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Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources Organises an Educational Day in Cooperation with the Pink Caravan

30 April, 2019

Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources organised an educational day for its employees at its headquarters in Al Dafin, in order to raise their awareness on breast cancer and prevention therefrom, in cooperation with the Pink Caravan, an initiative of the Friends of Cancer Patients Society concerned with raising awareness of breast cancer and the importance of early detection.
The educational day included several activities and tests that focused on the risks of such disease, the importance of its early detection and the possibility of healing by 90% in case of early detection.
This event aimed at raising the level of health education among the employees and promoting healthy practices. Focusing on health is a priority as the health aspect is a basis for the investment and prosperity of the nation, and an important development pillar.
This cooperation with the Friends of Cancer Patients Society falls within the framework of continuous partnership and support between the government entities and various active centres in the community, and encouragement of social contributions among them.